Hi every performers,
this is Kentaro, Manager of Vincasto.
This graph is a sales trend of OneLive from Aug to 1st week Sep 2019.
Daily goal: ¥141,061/day
Actual sales: ¥129,402/day
Achievement rate: 91.74%
we have to attention “remained sales” data.
Do you think what is “remained sales”?
Check this:
“remained sales” means “If there are no new viewers this month, what percentage of last month’s sales is this month’s sales?”.
If we were growing every month, this data must have higher you know.
However we can not make it.
This means, a lot of Payed Viewers were leaving from you.
So I want you to approach a lot of times so as not to leave viewers who once talked.
If you felt “This Viewer have a lot of money”, please send message 4,5 times every day till get response.
This is already done by a part of Performers and it’s absolutely effective.
Conversely, those who are not doing are losing.
Let’s raise the earning pace.