[Tips]Keep him engaged in fun conversation

As you know, the main purpose of this app is for beautiful performers and guys that want to have some private time with girls to talk to each other.

But what if you are not good at talking to men?

Well, then you have to learn and practice.

It is just like you have to keep trying to do better in a job.

Here are some tricks! I personally find the 3rd tip pretty important and many performers are missing.



What is キャバクラ?

We often compare our app with hostess service (キャバクラ kyabakura).

Yes, we designed this app for a similar purpose: to provide men a platform where they can talk to pretty girls and relax.

And you are here to keep them companied.

We don’t want any kind of prostitutional contents. We just want you to talk to the guys.

Of course you have to be good at conversation and have a pretty face/makeup.

If you still don’t understand what hostess is about, watch this:


What should you write?

What is a template?

You can set a template message and switch it ON and you will see this message in the chat window of evey user you talk with for the first time!


Why should you use a template?

As a host, you have to approach as many users as you can. You can send them a video call request or a welcoming message so that they can know aboutyou. When you are sending this type of message to 100s of people,  a template message which is already set, save your time and you can send many messages in just a few minutes.


What should you write?

Guys here pay money to have calls and send messages.


Think about this: If you are paying money to send message, will you spend money to reply to “Hi! How are you?” from a stranger?

Now, I will teach you the techniques creating fabulous template message that are used by top girls.

*** Note *** The following techniques are just an example. Do not copy. Please change it to your own words.


EX.1I thought that it would be nice to have someone who could do ****** with you. Have you already found your desired partner?

explanation of details: The part “do ****** with you” , user is easy to imagine what he want to date with you, etc.  


EX.2 Can you talk for a few minutes now? I have something to ask you.

explanation of details: Users will then  think “What do you want to ask?”. They will be interested in you and will want to respond.  


EX.3 Are you looking for a partner? I will go to ******(the guy’s country) next time, so if you are good…

explanation of details: The user will think “Can I be your partner?” In this way, it is important to make the other person feel excited and anticipation.  


EX.4 Is ******(place or city name) near from where you live? Please contact me once because I have important things to talk about.

explanation of details: Please prepare a story in which the conversation will continue when you get a reply, such as “I’m going to go to ****** next month, but…”.  


EX.5 I have a consultation, can I just get 4 minutes from now? Please be sure to see my profile before replying.

explanation of details: It is necessary to describe “the topic you want to talk to”, “your own characteristics”, etc. in your profile first.  


EX.6 What kind of girls do you like? Can you give me some advice?

explanation of details: Make the user feel you are interested in him. Create a topic that you both can talk about.  


EX.7 Do you know where I am now? Maybe near you! Take a look at my newest picture of Moments.

explanation of details: The user can feel “I may be able to date with you now”.  


EX.8 Are you free at 9:00 pm tonight?

explanation of details: The guy will feel good when invited by attractive women (It’s you). Send him a beautiful selfie as well!  

Send them to as many users in “New” and “Unsent” as possible.

[Tips]4 simple steps to earn USD400 a month

Follow the following steps and earn 1500 points a day. Then you will have around  USD400 a month

1. Set up a good profile.

– Use your real photo. Take some good selfies.💁🏻‍♀️✨

– Share more about your life in the Moment💬

– Prepare some attractive templates to send to users

Hint: Step 1 is the basic of the basics. Every popular model, celebrity does the same. You can get popular too if you do it.

Further tips: 

2. Send messages, photos and videos to a lot of users

Show your interest in them. Compliment their profile

– Invite them to video calls

Hint: Step 2 is simple. You just have to be creative thinking about messages and hardworking sending them. 

3. Make video calls with users and show your face

– Always show your beautiful face👩🏻 and cheerful smile😊 to the users

Talk to them in English. Ask them personal questions to know more about them

Share your life and day with them. They want to know you as well.

Call them back ASAP if you miss their calls

Hint: Step 3 is the most difficult. You have to be good at chatting with people and sometimes you need to be a good listener. Think of yourself as a professional hostess/consultant/psychologist. Always prepare something to talk about every day.

Further tips: 

4. Check out our events and missions

– Try to finish as many Today’s Missions every day

– Check out our daily special users

Hint: Step 4 is all about bonus. You can earn much more if you pay attention to it, but it’s not necessary.

Try to aim for having 40 minutes of video calls and earning at least 1500 points every day!


[Tips]How to make video call longer

Hi, this is Kentaro, Vincasto Team.


Many users have complaints about your video calls.

This problem is very important for me.

I have picked up what you can improve right now, so please read it to the end.

If you can improve these problems, you will definitely earn more.



1. The image was dark or the camera was hidden with your finger or the image was dark

before: bad  after: good

・ Your video (room light) is dark.

・ You must not hide your camera with your finger.

・Your Video image quality must have this at least:

So, if the current video is dark, just make the face bright and clear, and the video call time will be more longer.



2. Video movement was not smooth

left: bad   right: good

・ If your internet is slow, the video quality by users will be lower and dirty. (Your video on your device looks beautiful because it is not via the Internet)

・ If you move your device, the network becomes unstable or the network data volume increases.

Some top performers are using this tool:

If you only just use this tool, your can more earn.
In other words, video quality is very important.

So, use a wifi internet line with high speed. Also, if you fix the camera without moving it, the video quality will be cleaner.



3. Camera angle was not good

If you look at this, can you understand?

those are same woman.

So, try to make yourself look the most beautiful and attractive.



4. You were not able to respond carefully with a smile and polite

left: not smile  right: smile

The User decides if we can have a fun conversation with you in the first 10 seconds of a video call.

Which do you like if you are a man?

So, don’t forget that you are an actress in this app.
Please try to have fun with 100% power to please the other party.



5. User was doing some sexy things but you felt hate that

I think there are many things that users try to do nudity things.

But in this app, you are a professional actress.

Not a general woman.


You have to be more attractive like this:

So, please actively raise the mood with the User.



Above things make your video call time will be more longer.






About sending the messages


This is an important notice about the work done by the hosts on Vincasto.

Recently, we found that the hosts are not sending enough messages to the users. 

Please check the following image:

This is the graph of the messages sent by the hosts from 1st November to 17th December.

As you can see, after 2nd December, there was a drop in the number of messages you all have sent to the users.

What happens when you send less messages?

When a user registers here, he doesn’t want to use his free points or his purchased points trying to search for a girl who will have a call with him. He wants girls to contact him so that he can see who is there on this app.

When you don’t send messages enough, the user tends to think that ‘ there are not many users for this app. So, why should I use my money for such a service?!’ And they leave the app. If that happens, the number of video calls you get also goes down and in the end, the app also doesn’t earn much money.

If the app can’t collect money from the users, we cannot pay you too.

So, we request you all to please send some good and interesting messages to the users as much as possible.

Important notice



You are expected to video call as many users as you can. Please check the following points before you start working or before you send the payment request:

  • The host should earn the points mainly by video calling. He/she should use this function more than any other function.
  • You should show your face properly on a video call. You should be calling from a bright place where the user can see you clearly on the call.
  • Remember that the user is paying for every minute of a call. So make sure to provide them a good service
  • Being silent, not looking at the screen, doing some other work while talking with the user are the things that are strictly prohibited.
  • Never be rude to the user.
  • You must have excellent communication with him. You must ask him a lot of questions, listen to him carefully, respond appropriately, and also keep the contact after the call.

Some of the points given above are also included in the Prohibitions column on your profile. Please read all this information carefully and act accordingly.

If you fail to follow these rules, your payment will not be processed, and your account can also be banned.

[Report] Nov 2019


Hi, how’s it going?
This is Kentaro.

This graph is a sales trend of Nov 2019.

Daily goal: ¥204,268/day
Actual sales: ¥111,870/day
Achievement rate: 58.89%


We didn’t achieved our goal.

Now you can more easily get points if you make more attractive chat message and video calls.

But you can’t that.


I think we are missing is “Be attractive every day, every time”.

The user you are interacting is your “customer”, but we can’t.

In this app, you are “not an ordinary woman”, you have to be “a professional actress”.


I think you are a Professional Performer, like a webcam model.

Because you are getting money from a lot of your fans by your professional performance in chats and video calls.


So next goal:

Monthly goal of December 2019: ¥4,231,817(¥136,510/day)


The goal has down in order to I thought we need realistic goal in addition.

Let’s achieve together, absolutely we can!


By the way,

Never forget the beginner’s humility.

Please remember below.

Check list for beginners 





Check List for Beginners


A checklist to earn well

Check whether you have been doing the following things when you feel like “I don’t know how to earn…” or “I can not earn well…”


1. Is your Profile Picture one of your best photos?

Keep one of your most attractive photos as your Profile Picture. If your profile picture is not much beautiful, you will not get replies from the Viewers no matter how good your voice is, no matter how talkative you are.


2. Have you been adding new photos to Secret Photos? And if yes, have you told your Viewers about it?
When you post new photos, the viewers don’t notice it most of the time. So you need to tell it to your Viewers from your side. We advise you to make like an announcement to catch their attention towards your photos.


3. Have you been posting new pictures in Moments? Viewers can browse your posts in Moments for free, and it won’t let you earn, but it will help you create interest in the Viewer’s mind.
For example, posting many pictures that tell different things about you will give you some content for chatting.


4. Have you checked your Call Wait settings for Voice & Video calls? A lot of times, when a viewer finds it too time-consuming to chat through messages, they might directly make a Video or a Voice call. At such times, if you switch ON your Call Wait settings, it gives you more chances to earn. Of course, you can do it whenever your daily schedule allows you so.


5. Have you set the time for an Appealing call waiting? If you set the time for Appealing call waiting after you have switched ON-Call wait settings, your profile is displayed on top of the Viewers’ page, which gives you another chance to earn more.


6. Do you send Attack Message to new Viewers every day? Every day, hundreds of new viewers join OneLive. And the Performers who are already earning, approach their new Viewers with messages of some excellent content.
And if you create a template, putting it on Auto Input mode, approaching 300 new Viewers every day is not a difficult task.
(Auto Input means, after creating a model, if you put its switch ON, this message appears in the message window whenever you send the first message to any viewer.  )


7. Are the comments you write on Viewers’ profile or the attack messages you send attractively?
When you get approached by someone with just a “Hi” or “How are you?” it is not much appealing, right?
In the same way, write about yourself or about your hobbies in the comments, which will make someone want to talk to you or which will lead to a conversation. For example, you can ask a question about that post in the comment or ask something which is written on that person’s profile.


8. Do you share pictures or videos or voice messages during a chat?
As they say, “A picture is worth a thousand words,” there are things which you cannot express with only words. Send pictures or videos to express them in a better way.


9. Do you message the Viewers again whenever you don’t get a reply from them?
If the viewer has read your message & hasn’t replied to you in a while, it might be because he is just busy. But if you don’t get back to him/her again or forget to message again, the other performers might get him/her. To avoid that, send more messages until you get a reply.


10. Do you have a strong will not be defeated by other performers?
When you don’t get a reply from a viewer, there is a possibility that he is engaged to another performer.
Having a strong will not lose by your rival performers creates the greed to win, and you work hard to create more fans. And as that will strengthens within you, your performance gets better & eventually the number of your fans rises.


11. Do you ignore or give a cold answer when someone suddenly asks you a troublesome thing?
There are chances that the viewer might ask you to exchange WhatsApp number or to meet in person or to send adult pictures of yours.
At such times, if you ignore or directly deny the viewer, that conversation completely stops at that point.
To not let this happen, whenever you are asked anyone of these three things, pass such requests by not hurting the viewer’s feelings and prepare some sentences to be used to continue the conversation in such times.
