How to clear missions!

English version

Hello! Do you want to earn points faster? Clear these missions and get to your goal faster!

Missions are some easy tasks that app tells you to complete and if you complete them, you will get bonus points. Try to complete them soon as there is limited time to complete them.

Hindi version

Missions se points kaise kamaye? ( hindi)

Missions me jo aapko tasks diye hai, use complete karne par aapko bonus milega. Is se aap points fast kama payenge.

All the best!

Earn 3 times faster!


Do you want to earn faster on Vincasto?






From video calling, you will get 10 & 5 points.

From chat messages, you just get 3 & 1 !!!!!


Of course, I know that we tell you to send lots & lots of messages to the users.


You must send as many messages as you can but that is just to connect with the user. Letting them know that you are here on this app, waiting for their call. And you must write a very good message to the user. Something more than just a HI!


But as soon as you get a reply, go for a video call. Never say NO to a video call. Because not only you get more points from them, but it also helps you to create a strong bond with them when they see you, talk to you.

Remember, the users pay a lot of money to talk with you. So they always prefer using their points for video calling than just chatting.

Ask a lot of questions to them, show interest in what they tell you about themselves. Share your ideas. Be yourself! Mainly, be polite with them!


So, go on & ask a lot of users for a nice fun conversation on a video call!

The more you ask, the more you will earn!

All the best!

Earn 3 times more!

Earn three times more on Vincasto!!!]



There is a straightforward answer to that!




Because sending messages is the basic rule of this app, do it as well as you can!

Remember that the users have to pay money to each message. So you have to make those points count! And as there are more 2,000 hosts like you, the users are getting such messages in 100s every day. How are you different than them then? Think!!!


Always send a message to users, which makes them feel that that message is for only them. You actually want to talk to them, want to know them more. Show interest in them in your first message, ask them for a video call, tell them you want to listen to their story, wanna know more about them, not just a hi!

Take efforts in talking with the users to have more points. If you don’t show sincerity, they won’t feel like spending money on you!




जानिए पेमेंट्स के बारे में ।

विंकास्टो के हर ऑप्शन से आपको उतने पोईंट्स मिलेंगे:

                                       फ़्री पोईंट्स                     पेड़ पोईंट्स

मेसेज                              1pt/रिप्लाई                   3pts/रिप्लाई

वॉइस कॉल                   4pts/मिनट                     8pts/मिनट

विडीओ कॉल                5pts/मिनट                     10pts/मिनट

सीक्रेट फ़ोटो                     3pts/ व्यू                    6pts/व्यू

मोमेंट्स से डाउनलोड       3pts/फ़ोटो               1pts/फ़ोटो

किए फ़ोटोज़


पेड़ पोईंट्स और फ़्री पोईंट्स क्या है?

When users pay for the points and use them to talk with you, they are called paid points. And when users register for the first time, they get some free points from us to try the app. Those are called free points.


पोईंट्स का कन्वर्ज़न कैसे होता है?

यह जापान का ऐप है।इसलिए इसमें आप जो पोईंट्स कमाते हो वो जापानी येन में गिने जाते है ।

1 पोईंट  = 1 जापानी येन 

भारतीय रूपये में 1 पोईंट  का लगभग₹0.62 इतना कन्वर्ज़न होगा।

(पेमेंट की फ़ी अलग से चार्ज होगी ।)


पेमेंट कैसे प्राप्त करें?

प्रोफाइल> रिवॉर्ड्स / पेमेंट्स पर जाएं और अपनी PayPal ID  और उन पोईंट्स की संख्या दर्ज करें, जिन्हें आप कन्वर्ट करना चाहते हैं।
उसके बाद हर बार जब आप हमें पेमेंट का अनुरोध भेजना चाहते हैं, तो आपको 5,540 पोईंट्स  अर्जित करने होंगे।

विडीओ कॉल से कैसे कमाए?

विंकास्टो एक लाइव स्ट्रीमिंग ऐप है,जिसमें आप को सबसे ज़्यादा पोईंट्स विडीओ कॉल्स करने से मिलते है ।

विडीओ कॉल करने से यूज़र्ज़ को आपके साथ बात करने का मौक़ा मिलता है , जिससे उन्हें आप से और ज़्यादा बातें करने का मन होता है और फिर वो आप के लिए ज़्यादा पोईंट्स ख़रीद कर आप से और ज़्यादा बातें करते है।

अगर आप सिर्फ़ चैट से उनके साथ बात करते है , तो यूज़र्ज़ के साथ उतनी दोस्ती नहीं होगी जितनी विडीओ कॉल से होगी।

इसीलिए आप जितने विडीओ कॉल्स करोगे उतने ज़्यादा पोईंट्स भी कमाओगे और यूज़र्ज़ के साथ दोस्ती करने पर वो आपके रेपीटर्स (repeaters)  बन जाएँगे ।

विडीओ कॉल्स के वक़्त इन चीज़ों का ध्यान रखें :

१ यूज़र्ज़ के साथ दोस्त या बॉफ़्रेंड के जैसे पेश आए ।

२ उन्हें उनके बारे में पूछे

३ उनकी बातों में दिलचस्पी दिखाए

४ उनकी पसंद नापसंद के बारे में पूछे

५ ख़ुद के बारे में बताए


और हर बार विडीओ कॉल ख़त्म होने के बाद उन्हें थँक यू  का मेसेज भेज दे ।


Do you know what do they want from you?


This is Gaya from customer support. I will be writing something about being a host on Vincasto every day from now on.

Today’s topic is, knowing about your fans.

As you all know that all the men who come here to talk with you, are obviously interested in talking with some nice and cute girls who will give them a nice experience of talking about something good with an unknown girl on the internet. Always remember, that they are paying money for each and every step to talk with you. They are our customers and you should treat them politely! This is the basic of being a host.When men register and scroll down through their home screen, most of them are mainly looking for attractive profile pics. So,


Your profile is a mirror of your work. The more photos you have on it, the better is your impression. That’s why it is important to always write something good on your ‘About me’ section.

Always remember that they want to use their expensive points only with the girl who looks interesting & with whom they can have a good conversation。So, keep your profile updated. ALWAYS!



Concept of Vincasto

This app is mainly for video calling, voice calling, and chatting!

You will earn points from calling & chatting! And when you reach a limit of points, you can cash them out!

Check the points on Points page from your profile!

Find some important information on the home screen.

Complete the missions!

(From the home screen & from your profile)

Create templates from here.

Call, chat with as many people as you can!

For any help, message ‘Gaya Vindieo’ on the app.

Good and Bad Profile Pics


Profile pics are the key to get your fans attracted towards you. It is the most important tool to put yourself at your best on the app. Most of the users decide to talk to the girl by checking her profile. Your profile picture creates the first impression on the users. 

Always have an attractive photo of yours as a profile picture. Make sure your face is properly visible, you have taken the photo from a good angle where the best feature of your face is seen.

Here are some good & bad examples of profile pictures:

Make sure you hold the camera well, and you have done basic make up.

Put a good profile picture & earn TWICE MORE!

About the payments

Following are the number of points you will earn for each function:

                               Free points        Paid points Receive

Messages               1pt/chat                       3pts/chat

Voice call                 4pts/min                     8pts/min

Video call                 5pts/min                     10pts/min

Secret photos        3pts/ Time                 6pts

Saving Photos       3pts/photo                1pts/photo

from moments



What are Paid points and Free points?

When users pay for the points and use them to talk with you, they are called paid points. And when users register for the first time, they get some free points from us to try the app. Those are called free points.


The conversion work in the following way:

1 point = 1 Japanese Yen is similar to 0.62 Indian Rupee or $ 0.0090, equivalent to  622 INR or $9.(But there are processing fees of PayPal you this value may change)


How to get the payment?

You can send us a payment request once you earn 1,500 points. You must have a PayPal account for that. Go to Profile> Rewards/Payments Enter your PayPal ID and the number of points you want to convert.

Why video call?

Hello dear all!

(English follows)

क्या आप को नहीं लगता के  आप विंकास्टो पर और कमा सकते हो?

 आप ज़रूर ज़्यादा कमा सकते हो पर वो मेसेजेस से नहीं , बल्कि विडीओ कॉल्ज़ से।

जी हाँ । आप जितने ज़्यादा विडीओ कॉल्ज़ करोगे,आप उतने ही तेजी  से पोईंट्स कमा पाओगे !

विडीओ कॉल्ज़ पे आपको मेसेजेस से ३ गुना से ज़्यादा पोईंट्स मिलते है ।इसका मतलब आपकी कमाई भी ३ गुना से ज़्यादा तेज़ होगी ।

इसीलिए मेसेजेस को विडीओ कॉल्ज़ से कनेक्ट करनेवाला माध्यम समझ करा उस से  ज़्यादा  विडीओ कॉलिंग पे ध्यान दे ।


Don’t you think that you can earn even more than now? I know you can.

But the reason you are not earning much is because of your focus on earning from chatting. But that is not the case.

On Vincasto, you can earn 3 times or more than that of chat messages. 

So start focussing on Video calls & use chat message as a means to video calling!

All the best!
